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Banana Walnut Oatmeal Recipe


  • 1 cup fat-free organic skim milk or water
  • ½ - ¾ cup old fashioned slow cook oats
  • 1 serving vanilla whey protein powder
  • 1/4 ripe banana, mashed
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped raw walnuts
  • Sprinkle cinnamon on top or sweeten with Stevia


1. In a small bowl, combine milk, or water and oatmeal.
2. Microwave on high for 1 to 2 minutes until steaming hot but not boiling.
3. Stir until creamy.
4. Stir in protein powder until creamy.
5. Stir in mashed banana.
6. Garnish with walnuts and serve.