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Setting Realistic Fitness Goals

Set Realistic Fitness Goals you’ll actually achieve with these Nine Simple Steps


1. Focus on one goal at a time
One of the biggest mistakes is that people try to do too much at one time.
With so many things to achieve, people get anxious, and if they didn’t do one thing, they feel like a failure. This can lead to negative self-talk that lowers your chances of achieving any of the goals

2. Make it your own
It can be easy to scroll through the gram and feel inspired-yet-envious by images of the super fit. Yet basing your own goals off of what you see others achieving is neither productive nor practical

3. Make it measurable, specific, and time-bound
Having a measurable goal allows your to track your progress and the more specific your goal, the clearer the path to achieving it becomes

4. Set the bar low—at least, at first
Why? If you think it’s easy, you have likely already worked through any mental obstacles that could hold back your progress. The less confident you are, the less likely you will adhere to the steps needed to make it happen

5. Play the long game
We all want instant gratification, but it’s important to be realistic with the time frame you develop for achieving your goal, pick a goal that can be achieved over the course of several months or even a year. A long-term mentality will help you see your goal as a lifestyle change, rather than quick fix

6. Understand what’s driving your goal
Sometimes fitness goals are driven by underlying fears, insecurities, or body image issues. For example, signing up for a CrossFit class because an ex once commented on your weight. It’s important to address these issues rather than assuming achieving your goal will fix them

7. Be flexible in your definition of success
Though it is important to make your goal specific, it’s also important to give yourself permission to alter it as you progress with your fitness journey

8. Develop micro goals on the way to your big goal
Within your larger goal you should schedule in smaller, confidence-building goals that are achievable in a shorter time period

9. Plan for a support system
When thinking about your goal, you should also think about who in your life could encourage, motivate, and hold you accountable to it
