The Power of PositiveThinking
The Power of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.
A person with positive thinking anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes that he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty.
It seems that this subject is gaining popularity, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. Research is beginning to reveal that positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts can create real value in your life and help you build skills that last much longer than a smile.
To use it in your life, you need more than just to be aware of its existence. You need to adopt the attitude of positive thinking in everything you do.
If you’re not one of these positive-thinkers yet, and wonder why you should try positive thinking yourself, here are some reasons for you:
- A more worthwhile life: the more you add positive value to your life with positive thinking, the more worthwhile life is for you
- Greater confidence: the more you believe you can achieve things (a common form of positive thinking), the more self-confidence you have
- Higher self-esteem: the more value you see in yourself with positive thinking, the higher your sense of self worth
- More happiness and enjoyment: the more positive value that you see in life, the happier you become, and the more you enjoy life
- Feeling stronger: as your confidence and self-esteem increases due to positive thinking, you also feel stronger and more powerful
- More energy: positive thinking often motivates and energizes you to achieve things
- More peace of mind: the better you feel overall with positive thinking, the more peace of mind you have
- More success: having more energy, more self-esteem, and more self-confidence leads to more success
- More enjoyable interactions with others: the more you enjoy life and value yourself, the more you tend to enjoy social interactions
- Better sleep & health: more peaceful, positive emotions = less stressful, negative emotions that can take a physical toll on your body; the result is you enjoy the health benefits of positive thinking, including better quality of sleep
- Greater clarity of mind: since you have a choice, it makes sense to think in valid, acceptable positive ways that benefit you rather than in negative ways that hurt you; this is a benefit of positive thinking well worth considering
Here are four things you can do to get on the positive train today:
1. Avoid Negative Self-Talk
Self-talk involves the things you mentally tell yourself. Think of this as the inner voice inside your mind that critises how you perform and interact with the world around you. If your self-talk centers on negative thoughts, your self-esteem can suffer. So what can you do to combat these negative self-talk patterns? One way to break the pattern is to start noticing when you have these thoughts and then actively work to change them. When you start thinking critical thoughts about yourself, take a moment to pause and assess, turn things around.
2. Try Humor
It can be tough to stay optimistic when there is little humor or lightheartedness in your life. Even when you are facing challenges, it is important to remain open to laughter and fun. Sometimes, simply recognizing the potential humor in a situation can lessen your stress and brighten your outlook. Seeking out sources of humor such as watching or reading a funny show, or laughing with friendsa and family can help you think more positive thoughts.
3. Cultivate Optimism
Optimists tend to have a positive explanatory style. If you attribute good things that happen to your skill and effort, then you are probably an optimist. Pessimists, on the other hand, usually have a negative attributional style. If you credit these good events to outside forces, then you likely have a more pessimistic way of thinking.Optimists tend to view bad or unfortunate events as isolated incidents that are outside of their control while pessimists see such things as more common and often blame themselves. By taking a moment to Think about the event and ensure that you are giving yourself the credit you are due for the good things and not blaming yourself for things outside of your control, you can start to become more optimistic.
4. Keeping Working On It
There is no on-off switch for positive thinking. Even if you are a natural-born optimist, positive thinking can take effort in the face of challenging situations. Like any goal, the key is to stick with it for the long-term. Even if you find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts, you can look for ways to minimize negative self-talk and cultivate a more optimistic outlook.
Remember that to think positively, you need to nurture yourself. Investing energy in things you enjoy and surrounding yourself with optimistic people are just two ways that you can encourage positive thinking in your life.