Looking for an efficient way to boost muscle recovery, prevent muscle breakdown, and support healthy nervous system function? Step up your recovery game with Faction Labs’ game-changing EAA formula, Core 9 EAA!
Faction Labs Amino Acid Complex, CORE 9 is dripping with 9g* of EAA’s and 6g* of BCAA’s whilst also delivering an extensive Hydration, General Health and Immune Support blend. CORE 9 will assist muscle growth during your resistance exercise, help increase your lean body mass and assist with connective tissue formation. Elevate your training and fuel recovery & hydration with Faction Labs CORE 9.
Faction Labs Core 9 EAA is specifically designed to take pre or post-workout to support your muscle recovery and repair. Containing all 9 essential amino acids at the exact ratios required to prevent muscle tissue breakdown, Core 9 EAA is the ultimate muscle recovery and support formula. Yet, that’s not the only reason we love it. Faction Labs Core 9 EAA also contains various ingredients that support adrenal function, control cortisol, support immune function and hydrate muscle cells.
Wondering what you can expect from every scoop of Faction Labs Core 9 EAA? In addition to BCAAs and EAAs to support your muscle growth and recovery, the formula also contains Acetyl L-Tyrosine to promote alertness, attention and focus and Ashwagandha to help relieve symptoms of stress, fatigue, low energy and low concentration levels. Additionally, Schisandra Chinensis, Grape Seed Extract and Rhodiola Rosea have been added to further help alleviate stress. To complete this incredible formula, Vitamin C, B1, B3, B5, B2, B6, B12, Zinc, Magnesium and more have been added to support immune health and all-round internal functionality.